Route 1 Project - Weekly Update (8-19-14)


Construction Update #16, August 19, 2014

The following information reflects what you’re likely to see on Route One in Falmouth in the upcoming seven days. Please note that this is a projection based on the best available information at the time that it was sent and is subject to change due to weather and other variables.



For the remainder of this week (through Friday, August 22), crews are expected to work day shifts. You may expect to see activity from approximately 6:00 a.m. to approximately 5:00 p.m. Beginning this Sunday, August 24, primary construction work will be conducted during overnight hours, from approximately 6:00 p.m. through approximately 6:00 a.m. Some daytime work will coincide (see below), but this work is not currently expected to impact traffic flows.


The overnight work is expected to last approximately three weeks.




There are still several businesses/landowners who haven’t yet returned signed easements to the Town. These easements are essential for the installation of underground utilities, and for other purposes such as sidewalks and transformer pads.

Construction progress is rapidly approaching the point at which these easements will be necessary in order for construction to continue on schedule. If your business or landlord has not yet sent in the easement approval, please contact Jay Reynolds, Director of Public Works for the Town of Falmouth, at your earliest opportunity.




Well now… that was some storm, wasn’t it? The Route One corridor received approximately six inches of rain in less than twelve hours last Wednesday. In some parts of the region – indeed, in some parts of Falmouth – the extraordinary rainfall caused significant erosion problems.


We’re pleased to report that, thanks to careful design and skilled work by Sargent Corporation and Moulison North, impacts to the work zone were minimal. Some driveway entrances needed some work Thursday morning, and a bit of touch-up work was required in areas where the west side sidewalk had been graded.


In general, however, the as-yet-incomplete stormwater runoff system worked well, and no major erosion damage resulted from the storm.


Meantime, crews from Moulison North were able to bring the primary duct bank to the corner of Route One and Bucknam Road. Approximately 3,800’ of the primary duct is now in position. There’s still work to do; the primary bank must cross Clearwater, Depot and Bucknam roads, and smaller duct bank runs up Fundy Road and on Depot Road (both east and west of Route One) will be installed in the next several weeks.

Additionally, approximately 90 percent of the manhole structures associated with the project have now been installed.





As of Tuesday, August 19, work is occurring in various locations, including:

  • Installation of an electrical manhole on Fundy Road, approximately 100’ from Route One.
  • Drainage work in front of Norway Savings Bank, at the northwest corner of the Route One/Bucknam Road intersection.
  • Sidewalk grading and preparation for paving.





  • On Wednesday, August 20, continuing work on the duct bank spur on Fundy Road is scheduled, running approximately 200’ further than the manhole installed Tuesday. This will require one-way traffic.
  • On Wednesday, a drainage line will be installed on the east side of Route One, across from the shared entrance between the Irving convenience store and Starbucks.
  • On Wednesday, paving crews are scheduled to apply the base layer of the west side sidewalk between Morong Service Center and Clearwater Drive. A small section near Morong will be left unpaved due to forthcoming duct bank work.
  • Drainage work will continue at the corner of Route One and Bucknam Road.
  • On Thursday, expect to see a hydrant relocation and water service installation adjacent to Allen, Sterling and Lothrop.
  • On Friday, work will focus primarily on cleaning up and doing final prep work in anticipation of the start of night work Sunday evening.
  • Beginning Sunday, Sargent Corporation will be working on drainage and two crossings of Bucknam Road. An additional crossing of Route One is anticipated, but not yet specifically scheduled.
  • Beginning Sunday, crews from Moulison North will begin the duct bank crossing of Depot Road. Moulison will also begin duct bank installation on Depot Road itself, with installations on both sides of Route One. A total of approximately 1,500’ of duct bank will be installed along Depot Road.
  • You may anticipate that one-way traffic, controlled by flaggers, will be required at various times on Route One, Clearwater Drive, and Bucknam and Depot roads during night operations.
  • Beginning Monday, August 24, crews from Summit Natural Gas will begin installing the primary gas feed along Route One. This work will be on the east side of Route One and will be conducted during daylight hours.





Yes, that’s the northernmost terminus of the duct bank so far, and yes, that’s the corner of Route One and Bucknam Road – in front of the Irving convenience store. The bank must still cross Bucknam Road and extend a little further in order to provide services to Norway Savings Bank and the Foreside Tavern – but look how far we’ve come in three months!


This is part of a major stormwater runoff improvement project just north of Bucknam road, in front of the Norway Savings Bank.


Here, we see structures from the stormwater management system at the corner of Bucknam Road being delivered. Hat tip to Norway Savings Bank for the beautiful foreground!


Early Tuesday morning, crews opened Fundy Road in order to install this electrical manhole (yes, the structure is level; the road slopes here). Further duct bank work along Fundy Road will occur this week.