2014.08.11 Council Meeting Item 02


Review and offer input on a proposed referendum question planned for the November 4, 2014 election and discussion regarding the development of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Falmouth Memorial Library associated with a proposed expansion. 

Public comment will not be included at this time, but will be scheduled at a future Council meeting.

ACTION: Council action is not anticipated.


The Falmouth Memorial Library Trustees and the Town Council discussed placing a referendum question before the voters at the November 4 election. Several options for a question are attached which will need to be refined and reduced to one option.

The following attachments, in this order, represent the options for a bond order, referendum order, and the form of the referendum question. The bond order includes substantial detail required to be eligible for a general obligation municipal bond. The referendum order simply submits to the voters the referendum question. The form of the “referendum question” (fifth attachment) is how the question will be presented on the ballot. 

1.    Bond order – not conditioned on Library fundraising.
2.    Bond order – conditioned on Library fundraising.
3.    Bond order – conditioned on Library fundraising, but permitting $400,00 of bond proceeds for engineering and design.
4.    Referendum Order – the yellow highlighted text will be included if #2 or #3 is selected by the Town Council.
5.    Form of referendum question – the yellow highlighted text will be included if #2 or #3 is selected by the Town Council.

The Trustees and Town Council will also review and discuss a draft memorandum of understanding (MOU). The Town Council requested Councilors Mahoney and Farber meet with representative Trustees prior to the meeting and to submit a draft MOU for Town Council consideration. They have since met and developed the attached MOU draft.