Contribute to our Message Board

Download a sample power point slide here

Our message board is composed of slides, each playing for about 12 seconds. The result is a slideshow on television that gives viewers an idea of what is going on around Falmouth. The fastest way to get your slide on the message board is to send us a Power Point slide. (Make sure it can be read in 12 seconds! and that you use a font size no smaller than 20).

You must be a local non profit organization .

Please contact us. if you have any questions.

Remember to select Cable TV from the Choose One drop down menu on the contact us form.

We can take text and make a slide for you, but unformatted text spends significantly more time in our "to-do" box than something ready for television. Paper copies of announcements for our message board should be mailed to:

FCTC Channel 2 Message Board
Falmouth Town Hall
271 Falmouth Road
Falmouth Maine 04105