2019.12.09 Council Agenda 8


Resolution to commit to a process to develop a Vision and Values statement for the community that includes outreach and public input.

A public comment period will be included with this item (3 minutes).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


On May 29, 2019, the Town Council approved Resolution 130-2019 titled, “Council Commitment to Public Engagement about Planning.” This resolution included a commitment to, “(w)ith the assistance of a professional consultant(s), work with the public to develop a community vision and values." Also included in the resolution was a commitment to “(w)ith the assistance of a professional consultant(s), help the town develop a plan to update the 2013 Comprehensive Plan with robust community input."

The Town Council has prepared a draft "Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Consultant Services to Conduct a Public Process to Develop a Town Vision and Values Statement (Phase 1) for the Town of Falmouth, Maine."

The Town Council captured the plan to move forward in the attached resolution. This plan will focus on first developing a vision/values plan for the future of our community, while evaluating the best process for updating the 2013 Comprehensive Plan, including outreach with residents.

Copies of the May 2019 and December 2019 resolutions and the draft Request for Qualifications are attached.