2016.02.08 Council Agenda Item 03


Order to authorize the Town Manager to sign a contract with Wright-Pierce for a Comprehensive Water System Study for Falmouth at a cost of $23,000.

A public comment period will be included (3 minutes).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


On December 14, 2015, the Council authorized the Town Manager to issue a Request for Proposals for a Comprehensive Water Study of Falmouth. Twenty-two professionals representing eight firms were notified directly and a legal advertisement was placed in the Portland Press Herald. Staff conducted three meetings with interested firms at their request to answer questions.

Two proposals were received and reviewed by Town staff and the Portland Water District. The Town Manager recommends that the proposal by Wright-Pierce be accepted for this assignment at a lump sum cost of $23,000 as that proposal best meets the needs of the Town. The cost of this effort is proposed to the paid from the Comprehensive Planning account, which has an available balance

Background information: The Council's 2015-16 Work Plan contains a Comprehensive Plan action item (CP 31) that reads:

"Proactively plan for sewer, water, and other utility extensions in the designated growth areaAssess the options and means of participating in collaborative efforts with agencies and regional groups to better serve residents and businesses. (a) Assess the implications of increased emphasis on smaller, clustered lots as they pertain to reliability of wells and septic in closer proximity to each other, and if/how this should affect proactive extensions of public water and/or sewer service. (b) Establish a plan for additional public water service in the designated growth area in cooperation with the Portland Water District (PWD). (c) Establish a plan for targeted sewer service in the designated growth area. The Council authorized a sewer master plan for the area west of Interstate 295. Council Directive: Continue effort with sewer master planning and staff to develop specifications and costs estimates for a public water line expansion feasibility and needs analysis within designated growth areas. Council to consider funding a public water line expansion study at a later date." [emphasis added]

The Portland Water District (PWD) has agreed to participate with the Town on a Comprehensive Water System Study for Falmouth. Staff developed a Request for Propoals for this study that identifies the major responsibilities between the Town, PWD, and a consultant to be hired to assist with this effort. The Council agreed to first seek proposals from qualified consultants, and, upon review of the proposals received, subsequently select a consultant and appropriate the required funds for this study. 

The Council agreed that, while a final water system report is expected to be reviewed by the Town Council, preliminary reviews be conducted by the Community Development Committee (CDC) and/or Long Range Planning Advisory Committee (LPAC). The final report is expected to be delivered by July 2016.


  • Request for Proposals for Water System Study
  • Stantec Proposal
  • Wright Pierce Proposal
  • Order