2016.03.14 Council Agenda Item 04


Introduction of amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Section 19-25 Elementary School Redevelopment District (ESRD), in relation to the development of the Plummer School into affordable elderly housing units.

A public comment period will not be included.

ACTION: Schedule public hearing.


The Elementary School Redevelopment District (ESRD) was originally approved in 2012. At that time, the future of the Plummer School building was conceptual only.  In reviewing the ordinance in relation to redevelopment of the property, now in the final approval stages, the developers and staff have discovered several areas in the ordinance where revisions are required in order for them to proceed.

Representatives of OceanView will be at the meeting to present their four requested amendments to the ESRD. Attached documents include the request letter from Oceanview, the proposed amendment language, and a letter of introduction from Councilor Farber.