2016.03.28 Council Agenda Item 11


Public Hearing on an amendment to the Zoning and Site Plan Review Ordinance to remove the sunset provision for minor site plan review, to amend the thresholds to clarify certain items, and to increase the maximum building footprint for any one application from 500 to 1,000 square feet.

A public comment period will be included with this item (5 minutes). 

ACTION: Schedule order.


The minor site plan review provision was adopted by the Council on August 26, 2013, with a sunset provision of three years.  Councilor Farber and Senior Planner Ethan Croce have reviewed the provisions and both are recommending that the sunset be removed as the application process has been a benefit both to the business community and to the staff.  While reviewing the provision, a few clarifications were noted as well as a recommendation that the ultimate expansion allowed over a ten period for a commercial building be allowed to occur in one application.  It is currently restricted to 500 square feet in any given applicant.

The letter of introduction from Councilor Farber, the proposed amendment language, and a memo from town staff are attached.