2016.12.12 Council Agenda Item 05


Public hearing on a zoning amendment to permit subdivision identification signs in the Tidewater Master Plan District.

A public comment period will be included with this item (5 minutes).

ACTION: Schedule Order.


The Tidewater Homeowners Association is requesting a zoning amendment to permit signs at the entrances of the Tidewater Farm residential area.  Staff, at the request of Councilor King, have reviewed the ordinance and determined that the most efficient way to accommodate the signs is to amend the general provisions under Section 19-46 for subdivision identification signs rather than amend the Tidewater Master Plan and related documents. Since the introduction, staff have noted that the RB district was modified and the original language included HL (Highland Lake) and RD (Residential D) district.  It is recommended that these districts be added as part of this amendment Included is the introduction letter, minutes from the MRA hearing, and draft zoning amendment including the two districts.

•    Introduction on November 14, 2016
•    MRA Hearing on December 6, 2016