2017.04.12 Council Agenda Item 05


Order to appropriate $175,000 to pay for a sewer collection relocation and expansion project that will be part of the Maine Department of Transportation intersection project at Woods Road, Middle Road and Longwoods Road.

A public comment period will be included (3 minutes).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


The Wastewater Superintendent has developed plans and specifications necessary to accommodate required modifications to existing sewer lines within the combined Town and Maine Department of Transportation project to reconstruct the intersection of Woods, Longwoods, and Middle Roads. The proposed work is estimated by our consultants to cost approximately $160,000. Staff is requesting a supplemental appropriation to finance this project in the amount of $175,000 which includes $15,000 in contingency funding. The transfer of funds will not adversely affect the Wastewater Department Capital Improvement funds. The Town Manager will execute the attached agreement between the Town and the State of Maine if the Town Council approves the supplemental appropriation.


  • Staff memo from Wastewater Superintendent Pete Clark
  • Agreement between Town of Falmouth and State of Maine