2017.05.22 Council Agenda Item 02


Recognition of Theo Holtwijk, recipient of the Maine Association of Planners' 2017 Professional Planner of the Year award.

Public comment period will not be included with this item.

ACTION: Council action is not anticipated.


At their annual meeting on May 12th the Maine Association of Planners announced Theo Holtwijk as the recipient of their Professional Planner of the Year award. Eligibility and criteria for this award includes having maintained a sustained contribution to the field of planning. Furthermore, the person must increase the understanding of planning principals and have been effective in formulating and implementing plans. Theo was selected by his peers to win this award. Theo is very deserving of this award and the Town is fortunate to have him on our team.  This is the "top" award granted to an individual by the Maine Association of Planners. Congratulations, Theo!