2017.05.22 Council Agenda Item 09


Ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances, Chapter II-13 Solid Waste

Public comment period will not be included with this item as public comment was taken at an earlier date.

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


The Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13 regulates commercial waste hauling and requires a permit to haul solid waste within the boundaries of the town. The Town’s ordinance has not been updated since it was originally written; it is antiquated and needs to be modernized. Moreover, the Town has not been implementing the ordinance for more than 10 years. Staff is recommending that the ordinance be amended to reflect current conditions and practices. The general intent and policy of the ordinance, which is not subject to change, is to require haulers to register with the town and receive permits to transport waste. It also mandates that haulers deliver the waste materials to ecomaine. 


  • Introduction Letter
  • Ordinance