Recycling and Contamination Workshop

Town Hall Council Chambers
Recycling and Contamination flier
Event Date: 
Wednesday, June 20, 2018 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Improper Recycling Will Cost Taxpayers Soon!
Global recycling markets have changed for the worse—but, there are things we can do locally to help solve this problem. The current conditions are the result of several factors, the two most critical ones are:

1) high levels of contamination in the recycling material collected from homes and 2) changing international markets for recycling commodities, especially in China. Read more here.

Currently, recycling contamination (things that DO NOT belong in recycling) from Falmouth is roughly 15%. With new fees from ecomaine, this equates to roughly $75,000 additional waste disposal costs each year. Yikes!

Please join us on June 20th from 6:00-7:30pm at Town Hall with ecomaine’s Environmental Educator.  The discussion will be about where your recycling goes, how it’s sorted, and why it matters what we put in the recycling bin versus the trash can.

For recycling to be successful and sustainable for years to come, we must all commit to recycling only the right things the right way. Contact your Sustainability Coordinator with any questions: Kimberly Darling, or call 699-5337.