2016.01.25 Council Agenda Item 05


Public Forum and Order to authorize the Town Manager to execute an agreement between the Town and the Maine Department of Transportation and issue a Call for Offers (Request for Proposals) regarding the redevelopment of the Maine Turnpike Falmouth Spur Ramp System where it intersects with Route 1 in exchange for the right to develop an approximately 11-acre surplus property located easterly of Route 1.

A public comment period will be included (3 minutes).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


The Turnpike Spur Ramp Redevelopment project originated in late 2009 when the Town of Falmouth held a community event and survey to solicit input on the possible expansion/redevelopment of the Falmouth Shopping Center (FSC) property. One of the outcomes of this successful effort was the pursuit of feasibility of Turnpike Ramp replacement with at-grade intersection in cooperation with the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT), Maine Turnpike Authority, and PACTS. Such highway work could make available an 11-acre development site currently owned by the MaineDOT.

Since 2009, the Town has investigated the feasibility of a bridge replacement and ramp removal project and explored the desirability of such an undertaking with MaineDOT Commissioner Bernhardt. The Commissioner expressed interest in this project as it would remove the need for maintenance of the Route 1 bridge and ramp system, while enhancing economic development opportunities in the state.

Subsequently, Town staff and MaineDOT jointly developed a draft Agreement between the Town and MaineDOT that lays out the requirements for both parties for design and property disposition as well as a draft Call for Offers or Request for Proposals (RFP) for developers to undertake the required infrastructure work and construct new development on the ramp property.  The Call for Offers is recommended as Town staff expects there is a sufficient interest in the property to have multiple parties interested in making legitimate offers within the predetermined timetable. The Call for Offers was modeled after the Call for Offers that was issued for the redevelopment of the Plummer-Lunt school complex. The Council discussed these draft documents at its meeting on January 11, 2016 and agreed to take public comment at this meeting.

Attached are:

  • Background Memo and Timeline
  • January 7 Press Release
  • Draft Falmouth-MaineDOT Agreement, January 19, 2016
  • Draft Call for Offers for Developers, January 19, 2016

Additional project materials have been posted at http://www.falmouthme.org/long-range-planningeconomic-development/pages/maine-turnpike-spur-ramp-route-1-redevelopment-project