2016.06.20 Council Agenda Item 04


Resolution to authorize Capital Improvement Program Funding for the purchase of Fire/EMS apparatus.

A public comment period will be included with this item (3 minutes).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


The Capital Improvement Plan includes the replacement of both Engine 4 and Tower 2 within the next two years.  In February, 2016, the Council's Finance Committee requested that staff investigate the possibility of cost savings by ordering the two trucks at the same time.  Staff have determined that this method would save the Town $50,000.  The attached resolution would authorize the purchase of the two apparatus and approve funding for the purchase from both the Capital Improvement Plan as well as a supplemental appropriation from unassigned fund balance and possibly the need to borrow funds through short term financing. 

A memo from Fire Chief Howard Rice with details about the bid process and the proposed truck purchase is attached.

File attachment: