2017.03.27 Council Agenda Item 09


Ordinance to amend the Zoning and Site Plan Review Ordinance to clarify the minimum net residential area required per lot in the VMU District.

A public comment period will not be included with this item as public comment was taken at an earlier date.

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


In July 2016, the Town Council approved an omnibus amendment to the Zoning and Site Plan Review Ordinance to implement land use policy recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan.  Among other things, those amendments adjusted the amount of net residential area (NRA) required per lot.  Those changes, which were focused on NRA in the Town’s residential districts, did not take into account how density in the VMU District is structured and inadvertently had the effect of lowering residential density for the VMU District.  This amendment remedies the matter.

The Planning Board, in its capacity as the Town Municipal Review Authority, conducted a public hearing at its meeting on March 7. A memo detailing the hearing and the Board's recommendation is attached.


  • Introduction Letter
  • Zoning Amendment
  • MRA Public Hearing memo