2018.08.27 Council Agenda Item 10


Order to authorize the Town Manager to execute an agreement between the Town and Pete Wormel (dba WWW) of Harmon's Hamburger on Route 100.

A public comment period will be included (3 minutes).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.



As part of the Route 100 Infrastructure Project, Town staff has worked with three property owners (Wormel, Hothem, and Akerson) to consolidate their individual vehicular access to Route 100 into a single vehicular access point. Doing so will eliminate the perpendicular parking on the south side of Harmon's and improve traffic safety in the area. Project engineer Stantec developed an engineering plan for a new single access point and new rear parking area for Harmon's and staff developed accompanying legal agreements. As part of this effort, the Hothems will grant permanent access rights across their property for Akerson and Wormel.


The MaineDOT right-of-way appraiser determined that, without this plan and accompaying agreements, there would be a ROW impact on the Harmon's property that would require compensation. The Town seeks to minimize that expense by proposing to pay $25,000 to Pete Wormel in exchange for Wormel being responsible for building the new rear parking area. As part of this agreement the Town will take responsibility to seek Planning Board approval for the proposed parking lot design.

The Council is asked to approve an agreement between the Town and Pete Wormel (dba WWW) of Harmon's Hamburger on Route 100. The payment of $25,000 will come from funds appropropriated for the Route 100 project.


  • Draft agreement between the Town and WWW, August , 2018
  • Proposed access and parking lot design