2019.02.25 Council Agenda Item 09


Order to approve a supplemental appropriation and transfer of $41,000 from unassigned fund balance for a spraying program on town owned property and public streets to control the infestation of Browntail Moths.

A public comment period will be included (3 minutes per person).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


In 2018, the Town conducted a streetside spraying program of public streets to lessen the public heath impacts of an infestation of browntail moths. At its December 20, 2018 meeting, the Town Council indicated their support for conducting a similar spraying program in 2019. 

A recent inventory of nests in Falmouth indicates that the infestation has spread. The spraying contractor has estimated that the program will cost $37,800 this year, an increase of $12,800 over last year's budget of $25,000. This would cover an additional 8 miles of treatment area. The proposed appropriation of $41,000 will also cover the cost of the nest inventory and includes contingency funds in the event there are more areas that need treatment.

A copy of the nest inventory is attached.