2019.05.29 Council Agenda Item 15


Resolution to recognize recent public input and concerns about land use ordinances, public outreach, land use planning, and residential growth and further, to commit to processes that will: 1.) develop an improved communication system and 2.) evaluate and improve how future land use related policies are developed, with improved community outreach and input.

A public comment period will be included with this item (3 minutes).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


During the past year, the Town Council has received significant input from residents about growth, housing density, developer proposals for larger developments, communication, and recently adopted ordinances that have an impact on growth and development within our community. The Town Council held four workshops in March, April and May. The content of those discussions focused on the public concerns stated above, and how we should move forward during the next year.

The Town Council has identified a plan for moving forward that is captured in the attached resolution. This plan will focus on developing a vision/values plan for the future of our community while evaluating and improving several aspects of land use planning and regulation, ordinance development, and communication and outreach with residents.

A copy of the resolution is attached.

File attachment: