2019.07.08 Council Agenda Item 08


Three-year review of the Town’s Rate of Growth Ordinance.

A public comment period will not be included with this item.

ACTION: Council action is not anticipated.


State law requires municipalities that enact a rate of growth ordinance to review their ordinance at least once every three years.  The attachments to this agenda item document how the Town’s Ordinance is currently in compliance with State law.


  • A 7/3/2019 memo from Community Development Director Ethan Croce outlining the Town’s compliance with State law;
  • A memo dated 2/7/2014 from the State of Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry documenting that the Town’s Comprehensive Plan is consistent with Maine’s Growth Management Act;
  • Relevant Maine statutory provisions: Title 30-A §4360 and Title 30-A §4314;
  • The Town’s current Rate of Growth Ordinance (Section 19-69 of the Zoning and Site Plan Review Ordinance);
  • Building permit data for the previous 10 years.