2019.08.26 Council Agenda Item 8


Order to approve a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Falmouth School Department that will grant rights to the Town of Falmouth, Town Council, to access land owned by the Town of Falmouth over property controlled by the Falmouth School Department.   

A public comment period will be included with this item (3 minutes per person).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


The Town Council approved a purchase and sale agreement at the July 22, 2019, meeting to purchase approximately 40 acres of land near the intersection of Field and Woodville Road and abutting property owned and controlled by the Falmouth School Department. There are multiple access options to this property. The Town Council requested additional access to the property via the School Department controlled property if the newly purchased property could be used for something other than School Department related services. State laws give School Boards exclusive rights to property used for local education which is why rights must be obtained by the Town Council from the School Board. The School Board is scheduled to act on this item in September.

A copy of the MOU, the access plan, and the order are attached. 

A second copy of the MOU was attached Monday August 16 that identifies several suggested changes that are not substantive and provide better consistency with the langauge in the MOU.