2019.10.28 Council Agenda Item 6


Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) Metro Regional Coalition Council Resolution Regarding the Housing Affordability Crisis in the Greater Portland Region

A public comment period will be included (3 minutes per person).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


This resolution was put forward by the Metro Regional Coalition (MRC) and is intended to be adopted by each of the seven MRC member Councils. It reflects member municipalities’ individual and collective commitment to taking steps to encourage the expansion of affordable housing in the Greater Portland region. The Falmouth Town Council will consider resolving to work with MRC to expand the number of housing units that can be afforded by lower and middle income households in our community by adopting and improving policies and incentives which allow our community to contribute to achieving the overall regional goal of expanding the number of housing units in our region that are affordable to lower and middle income households by 10% no later than 2025.

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