2019.11.25 Council Agenda Item 5


Orders to adjust/transfer funds regarding the FY2020 budget. 

A public comment period will be included with this item (3 minutes per person).

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


The Council will consider three orders to adjust/transfer funds regarding the FY2020 budget:

1) An order to authorize the purchase of an additional vehicle using existing Fire-EMS fund balance (new EMS captain vehicle);

2) An order to transfer $65,000 from the Street Improvement CIP Fund to the Public Works Vehicle CIP Fund due to $65,000 in unanticipated price increases on a sweeper purchased in FY2019 and a dump truck purchased in FY2020; and

3) An order to transfer $20,000 from Unassigned Fund Balance to the Police Vehicle CIP Fund to avoid a negative balance due to unanticipated vehicle outfitting costs during FY2019.