2020.07.20 Organizational Meeting Item 1 (l)


Order to appoint one representative and two alternates to the PACTS Policy Committee.


PACTS Bylaws
Amended and Approved: November 20, 2014

Section 1. Eligibility for active membership in this metropolitan planning organization is based upon rules published on, February 14, 2007, in 23 CFR Part 450, and upon a vote of the PACTS Policy Committee effective January 24, 2013. In accordance with the Federal rules, the organizational structure of PACTS is based upon agreement among the units of general-purpose local governments in the urbanized area and the Governor of the State of Maine. The Federal rules further state that the elected officials of general-purpose local governments shall be represented in the organization. 

Each municipality which has a single representative on the Policy Committee shall also appoint two alternates to the Policy Committee. Likewise, each multiple-representative municipality shall appoint two alternates to the Policy Committee beyond the number of seats in accordance with Article V, Section 2.