2018.03.12 Council Agenda Item 05


Ordinance to amend Sections 19-8, 19-9, and 19-10.1 of the Zoning and Site Plan Review Ordinance relative to amending maximum residential density allowances for two- and multi-family development in the RA, RB, and RD Districts.

A public comment period will not be included with this item as public comment was taken at an earlier date.

ACTION: Council action is anticipated.


These amendments propose to reduce the maximum residential density allowances for two- and multi-family developments in the RA, RB, and RD Districts so that they match the density allowances for single family development in those districts.  The proposed amendments were introduced at the January 22, 2018 Town Council meeting and the Council held a public hearing on the amendments at the February 26, 2018 Council meeting.  Per Section C, subsection ii of the Retroactive Moratorium that was adopted by the Council last November, if these ordinance amendments are adopted it will have the effect of repealing the Moratorium.

Attached are the ordinance amendment introduction letter, a staff memo summarizing the history of this item, a summary of the Planning Board MRA Hearing, the formerly-approved Moratorium language, and the proposed amended ordinance language.